1. What is WELLCHPs?
WELLCHPs is an acronym that means “wellness in the College of Health Professions." It’s the name of a health promotion and wellness program the college is offering all employees (faculty and staff).
2. What is the purpose of the WELLCHPs program?
To increase awareness of health and wellness by acknowledging and rewarding activities that promote a healthy lifestyle or a healthy culture.
3. How do I participate?
There are multiple ways employees can participate:
- Complete the online culture survey via the link in the email you will receive. Responses are anonymous and are being analyzed by a third party outside of the college who will group all responses together and provide an aggregate report.
- Participate in the online WELLCHPs tracking system where you register to participate in the program, answer a health status survey to document your engagement in health-promoting behaviors, and can track the behaviors that you engage in throughout the year.
- Attend monthly seminars in the College of Health Professions in Encino Hall Room 309. You can find a schedule of topics/dates here. Seminars will be live streamed to the Round Rock campus and recorded and posted on the WELLCHPs site for viewing at any time.
- Create, implement, and share ways to promote health during the workday.
4. When can I sign up?
You can sign up at any time. A TRACS site has been created where you can register and track your activities. You can sign up for the program here.
5. What data will be collected?
Several types of data will be collected. Providing data is entirely optional for participants.
- When a participant registers, he/she will be asked to complete questions about current activity status during the workday. At the program conclusion (August of each year), participants will again be asked these same questions so that we can determine if change in the amount of physical activity during the workday occurred over the year.
- At registration, participants will have the option of providing personal information about height and weight. This information will be useful for participants to track changes in body mass index throughout the program.
- A link to the Lifegain Wellness Culture Survey will be distributed to all college employees to complete. This survey asks questions about the culture of the college and how supportive it is regarding health and healthy behaviors. The information from this survey will be used in aggregate form only (no individual responses can be identified) to learn about how we can make the culture more supportive of health. This survey will be distributed again at the end of the program to identify if any changes were perceived in the culture.
- Participants will have the option to track their healthy behaviors on the WELLCHPs Tracking Site in TRACS. Participants can enter data daily, weekly or monthly regarding their health activities. These data will be used to track participation and eligibility for incentive rewards.
6. Can I participate in the program and not provide data?
Yes, there is no requirement to provide data to participate in the program. The data will provide information about the impact of the program, so it is useful to the program organizers.
7. How do I earn incentives?
Participants will earn WELLCHPs or activity merit units which will be used in exchange for gifts. Five ways to earn WELLCHPs: Time = per 60 minutes, Distance = per 10 miles, Steps= Per 10,000 steps, Event = 1 per event, Percent Weight loss = per 2% of Baseline Body Weight.
8. What will be done with the data?
- Data collected as a part of the registration process through the WELLCHPs Tracking Site will be used to summarize how many employees participate in the program, to identify their perceptions of how active they are during the workday, and to examine changes over the course of the program in these perceptions. This information will be useful to determine if additional programs/efforts might be beneficial in the future.
- Data collected in the tracking feature about participant activities will be used to determine eligibility for incentive rewards.
- Data from the Lifegain Wellness Culture Survey will be analyzed by a third party vendor and the results provided to the program organizers to inform discussions and initiatives to create a more healthy culture in the college. If the information is suitable, an article will be written and submitted for publication summarizing the data and program.
9. Who will see the data?
- Data entered into the WELLCHPs Tracking Site will be seen by one of the program organizers, Dr. Denise Gobert. Dr. Gobert will generate reports based on the information entered into the site, which she will provide only to the individual participants. Aggregate data that do not identify individual participants will be generated at the end of the program to inform future programs/activities.
- Data from the Lifegain Wellness Culture Survey will be seen by a third party vendor who will aggregate the data and provide a report that will be available for any participant to review. The report will be used to generate discussion/ideas about how to make the college culture more supportive of health and healthy behaviors. Data from this survey will be completely anonymous as no identifying information will be collected.
10. How long will the program be offered?
The program is offered each academic year.
11. Where can I find additional information about WELLCHPs?
A webpage has been created that can be accessed from the College of Health Professions webpage and can be found here. Click on the WELLCHPs link in the "Faculty and Staff" dropdown menu, or find it under "Additional Links" on the right-hand side of the main page.
12. Will my activity be worth more points when I attend a high intensity 30 minute class vs walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes?
No, activity can be tracked by time, distance, steps, event participation or % weight loss. So, 30 minutes of high intensity class is worth the same as 30 minutes of treadmill walking.
13. Will events such as: 5Ks vs 1/2 marathon be worth different points?
Activity can be tracked by time, distance, steps, event participation, or % weight loss. So, you can track that you participated in a 5K race and you can track that you participated in a half marathon (each one is considered one event). Or, you can track the distance you logged for each event or you can track the time you logged for each event.