WELLCHPs Program Overview
The College of Health Professions (CHP) began a new health promotion and wellness program called the “WELLCHPs” Program for the 2014-2015 school year. The acronym “WELLCHPs” stands for the units of measure for all the health promoting activities performed by the faculty and staff representing nine units in the CHP. This initiative is led by a task force, with a representative from each unit on the task force.
The program goal is to increase awareness of health and wellness in the college by acknowledging and rewarding any activity that promotes a healthy lifestyle. The program participants are able to report and track activities online.
Please visit “FAQ” to learn more about the program and how to participate.

The new WELLCHPs' Health Initiative for 2022
"E.M.B.R.A.C.E. M-BX!'
Join your College colleagues in the new health initiative "Enhance Mind Body Resilient and Cultivating Experiences" sponsored by the College of Health Professions WELLCHPs Committee starting now. The call is to refresh yourself and "E.M.B.R.A.C.E." upcoming M-BX activities in 2022 towards a better you!!
As we make the "Healthy Choice, the Easy Choice" during our workday, learn healthy tips to add easy positive steps toward a healthier version of yourself during 2022.
Lots of Upcoming Planned Activities!
Get a free "E.M.B.R.A.C.E. M-BX" t-shirt
(Starting in March)
Distribution sites:
HIM Department, SON 204 (Round Rock)
Texas State Campus Recreation Center (Round Rock)
Get your personal "Health Score" and challenge yourself to a better YOU!!
Take 10-15 minutes listening to one of several WELLCHPs health Podcasts and more......
For more information, please ask your department WELLCHPs representative or email the committee at: wellchps@tracs.txstate.edu
The new WELLCHPs’ Health Initiative for 2021
“Catch the W.A.V.E.”
Join your College colleagues in the new health initiative “Catch the W.A.V.E.” sponsored by the College of Health Professions WELLCHPs Committee starting now. The call is to refresh yourself with “Wellness Activities to Vitalize Everyone!” or W.A.V.E. towards a better you!!.

As we make the “Healthy Choice, the Easy Choice” during our work day, learn healthy tips to add easy positive steps toward a healthier version of yourself during 2021.
Planned Activities:
Get a free “Catch the W.A.V.E.” t-shirt
(Starting March 29th )
Distribution sites :
HIM Department ENC#200 (San Marcos),
Texas State Campus Recreation Center (Round Rock)
Tips to optimize Mental Health - Easy 1-pager
Get your personal "Health Score" and challenge yourself to a better YOU!!
Take 10-15 minutes listening to one of several WELLCHPs health Podcasts and more........
For more information, please ask your department WELLCHPs representative or email the committee at:

WELLCHPs Podcasts:
"What's your 20?"
Campaign Podcast Series
A. Podcast 1: By the Light of your friendly Computer
General overview of increasing health risks associated with increased screen time on devices with introduction to health strategies which can be accomplished every 20 minutes. One pager handout link will be added on WELLCHPS website with podcast link.
Moderator: Denise Gobert, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy
Participants: Jessica Smith, Clinical Assistant Professor, MPH, RT(T), Radiation Therapy Program; Sarah Neller, Clinical Assistant Professor, St. David’s School of Nursing
B. Podcast 2: Workplace Ergonomics
General overview of challenges involved with increased use of home workspaces with an emphasis on “best practices” to ensure optimal health.
Moderator: Janet Bezner, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy
Primary Speaker: Katherine Beamer, Specialist, EHSRM
Volunteer Participants: Oren Renick, Professor, School of Health Administration
Primary concept: Ergonomics at Home
C. Podcast 3: Vision Health
General overview of challenges involved with the current work trend of increased screen time in home workspaces with an emphasis on “best practices” for optimal vision health.
Moderator: Jennifer Johnson, Clinical Lecturer, Dept. of Communications Disorders
Primary Speaker: Dr. Nancy Guenthner, Aspire Vision Care, Round Rock, TX
Volunteer Participants: Abbey Hudgins, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Respiratory Care; Danette Myers, Clinical Assistant Professor; David Falleur, Associate Professor, Clinical Laboratory Science Program
Primary concept: Vision Health at Work
WELLCHPs Transformation Challenge 2019
This is the introduction audio to promote the WELLCHPs new initiative for 2019 "Transformation to Optimize Wellness". Several committee members encourage Texas State College Health Professions participants to take the challenge.
- TRANSFORMATON CHALLENGE: https://mediaflo.txstate.edu/Watch/Ae68Fyb3
Stress Management PodCast 2019
This brief 15 minute PodCast is part of the WELLCHPs Transformation Challenge to Optimize Wellness initiative for 2019. Members of the College of Health Professions have all joined in to provide health tips about four main topic areas: Stress , Activity, Sleep and Nutrition. Please join the fun conversation with Danette Myers (Health Information Management), Sarah Neller (School of Nursing) and Stephanie Doktycz (Profile by Sanford) as they share successful stress management tips.
WELLCHPs Activity PodCast 2019
This brief 20 minute PodCast is part of the WELLCHPs Transformation Challenge to Optimize Wellness initiative for 2019. Members of the College of Health Professions have all joined in to provide health tips about four main topic areas: Stress , Activity, Sleep and Nutrition. Please join the fun conversation with Janet Bezner (Dept of Physical Therapy), Oren Renick (School of Health Administration) and Sarah Bergstrom & Lacey (Profile by Sanford) as they share successful tips about how to stay active.
WELLCHPs Nutrition PodCast 2019
This 20-minute podcast is part of an inter-professional collaboration in the College of Health Professions at Texas State University as in support of the WELLCHPs Program health initiative for 2019 "Transformation to Optimize Wellness" . As moderator, Dr. Janet Bezner, Department of Physical Therapy, discussions a variety of nutrition topics with expert dietitians: Courtney Carey and Megan Striderski . Enjoy the casual conversation to learn some helpful tips about building positive eating habits.
- NUTRITION: https://mediaflo.txstate.edu/Watch/w3W2Kig4