Student Accomplishments

ASHA Convention 2024
CDIS Undergraduate student Ana L. Hernandez presenting a poster at the ASHA Convention in Seattle, Washington on December 7th, 2024. Great job Ana!
World Stuttering and Cluttering Organization Congress 2024
Dr. Irani and CDIS students Grace Sargent and Gracie Bourchard presented their research poster on a pilot study of virtual reality applications for research and intervention. Dr. Irani, along with another colleague, also presented a research poster on fluency development in Bilingual Spanish-English children.
Congratulations to the CDIS Class of 2024 Graduate Students!

Outstanding Academic Student Awards

We're very proud of our CDIS student Lois Umali! She received the Outstanding Academic Graduate Student award.

Congratulations to Zoe Starnes-Kemper! She received the Outstanding Academic Undergraduate Student Award during the College of Health Professions Student Awards Luncheon in the Round Rock campus.
College of Health Professions Research Forum 2024

Congratulations to Sarah Paddock, one of our CDIS Leveler student, for obtaining 2nd place! Her research poster title was “Positive Themes Emerging from Collaborative Stories Created by Persons with Aphasia.”

Dr. Yang with the collaboration of Gracie Bouchard, Darcy Carothers, Jaycee Danford, Kelsey Majek, Alexis Reinwald, Grace Sargent, and Zoe Starnes-Kemper, won 2nd place. Their research poster was “Acoustic Characteristics of English Intonation in Mandarin-English Bilinguals.” Keep up the good work!
Texas Laryngectomee Association conference 2024

Lia Salazar won the “Rookie of the Year” award at the 2024 Texas Laryngectomee Association's conference in January.
Congratulations to the CDIS Class of 2023 Graduate Students!

Congratulations to our recent scholarship recipients!
- Amit Belzer-Merit Scholarship
- Samantha Ross-Merit Scholarship
- Anabella Villarreal-Merit Scholarship
- Haylie Hatterman-Merit Scholarship
- Annali Rubio-Merit Scholarship
- Hailey Wren-Merit Scholarship
- Natalia Martinez-Hispanic Policy Network Scholarship
- Kelsey Majek-Raetta Bell McDuff Scholarship
- Paige Lillard- Sertoma Scholarship
- Tallie Alsup- John D. Wendel Scholarship
We are so proud of you!
Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF REU) program 2023

Ana Lucia Hernandez, a pre-CDIS major, will participate in the NSF REU Machine Learning Analytics Augmented Reality Smart and Connected Health during summer 2023. She will be collaborating with students from Engineering, Computer Science, Biology, and Psychology.

Ana Elisa Quinonez Camacho, a pre-CDIS student, will be participating in the NSF REU program, the Language of Science and the Science of Language at Ohio State University in summer 2023. This program is a hands-on program where students will conduct research with mentorship from OSU faculty members and learn how to communicate about research and language science with professionals and the public.
Scholarships 2023

Natalia Martinez, a current senior and incoming 1st year grad, was awarded one of the Hispanic Policy Network Scholarships. We are so proud of her!
Josyln Balli, a first year graduate student in the bilingual concentration, was awarded the Empress Zedler Scholarship by the Texas Speech Language Hearing Foundation. Joslyn was selected because of her strong academic record and high clinical ratings.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science Conference 2023

Congratulations to Lois Umali for all her hard work on her research with Dr. Maria Resendiz. They recently traveled to Puerto Rico where Lois presented her poster at SACNAS (Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science).