Current Faculty and Staff
Dr. Faisal Hassan Aboul-Enein

phone: (832) 731-5398
Texas State Faculty Profile Page
Dr. Brad Beauvais

Associate Professor
Research interests: Healthcare finance
Dr. Jose Alberto Betancourt

BHA Program Director and Associate Professor
Research Interests: Population health, chronic disease management.
Dr. Kim Lee

Associate Professor of Practice and AOP Programs Director
Research Interests: Leadership, inter-professional teaming, organizational design and culture, inter-professional communication, strategic planning, management and execution, and adult learning strategies.
Dr. Cristian Lieneck

Interim School Director and Associate Professor
Research Interests: Healthcare value (directed towards finance and marketing perspectives), physician practice administration, and healthcare administration andragogy.
Dr. Michael Mileski

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Long-term care efficacy and effectiveness; and patient experience improvement and efficiency.
Texas State Faculty Profile
Google Scholar Profile
Dr. Gerardo Pacheco

Assistant Professor
Research interests: Public Health
Dr. Rohit Pradhan

Associate Professor
Research Interests: Racial/ethic disparities in hospital readmissions, disparities in HIT/HIE adoption in nursing homes. Gerontology
Dr. Zo H. Ramamonjiarivelo

MHA Program Director and Associate Professor
Research Interests: Healthcare organization's strategic decision-making and performance, healthcare quality and patient experience, health disparities.
Mr. David Rubenstein

Adjunct Professor (MHA Field Placements)
ENC 250
(512) 245-3494
Teaching Interests: Helping our students transition from the academic setting to the operational setting as they begin their careers as health and healthcare executives.
Research Interests: Leadership and leadership development
Dr. Keya Sen

Assistant Professor
Healthcare Quality Improvement, Healthcare Culture and Management, Global Public Health, Community Health Education and Promotion, Health Informatics, Health Services Administration
Dr. Ram Shanmugam

Research Interests: Biostatistics topics, healthcare decision-making, and health economies.
Dr. Roland Shapley

Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENC 255
(512) 245-8685
Dr. Joseph Baar Topinka

Associate Professor of Practice
Research Interests: Public health and public health law, employment law as it pertains to medical organization, and military medical law.
Dr. Eric Weaver

Adjunct Professor (BHA Field Placements)
ENC 250
(512) 245-3494