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02.03.02-Student Perceptions of Instruction

Student Perceptions of Instruction

SOHA PPS 02.03.02
Effective Date: 5/1/2022
Review Date: 4/2/2022
Next Review Date: 4/2/2027 (E5Y)
Sr. Reviewer: SOHA Director



SOHA is committed to transparency and a process of constant improvement. We acknowledge that the student evaluation system is flawed, but it can provide valuable input on the delivery of course content.


02.01   Texas State University is required to administer Student Perceptions of Instruction (SPI) for all regular, undergraduate courses (not to include independent studies or internships/residencies) to be posted on the University’s website in accordance with House Bill 2504. The University SPIs will be administered every fall, spring & summer semester.

02.02      The School of Health Administration requires evaluations to be performed each fall & spring semester with summer available at the option of the instructor. During the fall & spring, instructors are expected to administer departmental perceptions of instruction for all regular courses (not to include independent study or internships/residencies) to be proctored by someone other than the instructor. Students enrolled in non-regular courses (independent studies or internships/residencies) that wish to make comments regarding the course or instructor are welcomed to speak with the School Director either in person, by phone or email.

02.03   During the summer, it is optional for instructors to administer departmental perceptions of instruction. If the instructor decides to conduct the evaluation the procedure will be the same as stated in paragraph 2.01 for regular semesters; however the instructor can choose not to use the results in an annual evaluation or tenure/promotion documentation. The scores will still be calculated & placed in the faculty member’s file. This only applies to the department perceptions. The University SPI will still be required for all regular, undergraduate courses.

02.04   Small classes, defined as having less than 10 students for Undergraduate and 5 students for Graduate and independent study courses that are being used to a regular course that did not make due to low enrollment, will still conduct evaluations in the normal fashion. Stacked courses will be evaluated separately to see the perceptions of both majors enrolled.